Sometimes a conversion really resonates with people. A few years ago I converted a Deredeo to look taller and sleeker. Since then I’ve been getting ...
Read MoreIt’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. Between moving, changing jobs, and trying to get some hobby time life has just been in the way. ...
Read MoreQuickie: Chipping tests
My resolution for this year is to wrap up as many of my loose modelling project as possible. One that’s been taking up the most of my logistical...
Read MoreWIP: Rapier Battery, Proof of Concept
+++ PROCESSING CAMPAIGN DATA +++ Last month our group played the first two turns of our introductory narrative campaign. The campaign takes place near...
Read MoreBatrep: Reconquest of Keopsis VII- Part I
My Dark Mechanicus allies have slowly taken shape between all my other projects… and now they have a par of Magi! While I really love the look o...
Read MoreWIP: Dark Mechanicus Magos, Archmagos Draykavac Conversion
My friend ‘The Sisko’, myself, 0 beers, some Mexican food, and a DSLR camera met up to slam some ham this weekend. Here are the uncensored...
Read MoreBatrep: Pre-Heresy Iron Warriors vs Space Wolves
Every so often I get questions about how exactly I base my models. I figure the easiest way to explain it is to put together a quick tutorial on the s...
Read MoreTutorial: Making bases, painting them, adding skulls to your skull throne
AKA: Three years of work in a single image. It’s been a long road of learning, building skills, and pushing myself to get things done. It’...
Read MoreGallery: My Iron Warrior Army
For a few years I’ve been always saying the same thing: “sorry for these cell phone pics, they really don’t do my models justice....
Read MoreRambling: The difference a camera setup makes
After a year of painstaking work, I finally finished my breachers. Here they are in all their glory. Open any image in another tab for a larger shot w...
Read MoreGallery: Iron Warrior Breacher Squad + Vexilla
Ask yourself a question: Do you like saving tons of time while painting? Do you think it’s impossible to do highlights and sick nasty shadows on you...
Read MorePainting 201: Zenithal Priming, or how to shade & highlight like a BOSS
Around Christmas I flew home to Washington State, army in tow, and participated in some old skool 30k in 40k action. I played two of my good friends, ...
Read MoreBatrep: 3 way free-for-all
I’m at the final stages of completing my breacher siege squad. Embarrassingly, its taken me almost a year to get them to this point. What starte...
Read MoreWIP: Breachers before oils and pigments
Armed with a new DSLR and lightbox, I’ve been able to take some gorgeous shots of my Big Momma Vindicators. These took me a while to get entirel...
Read MoreGallery: Iron Warrior Big Momma Vindicators
My latest project is one that I’ve wanted to do for while: a 20 person breacher squad. Ever since I saw that first amazing model on FW’s b...
Read MoreWIP: Iron Warrior Breacher Siege Squad

I wrapped up my 30k vindicator project this weekend and thought I’d share the steps it took to get there. Oil washes and pigments are some of my fav...
Read MoreWeathering 201: Oil Filters, Pin Washes, Lead Pencils, and (more) Metallic Alcohol Paints
Seeing how I use lots of time consuming techniques on my models, I decided to log the rest of my steps in finishing my 30K Vindicators. I’m hard...
Read MoreWeathering 201: Alcohol Paints, Scratch Highlights, Glow Effects, Lenses, and Custom Decals
I love weathering. I think it brings models to life and it’s really fun to do. Here are the tools I use for my tanks and infantry: A dental pick...
Read MoreWeathering 201: Steel wool, dental tools, and chipping fluid
Coming straight off my Rhino project, I wanted to model up my favorite 40k vehicle: The Vindicator. Nothing really encapsulates the setting better tha...
Read MoreWIP: BIG Momma Vindicators
There are lots of transport options out there, but frankly, I think they’re rip offs. Let me explain. While most foam trays are priced within th...
Read MoreRambling: Building your own army transport solution
After spending a man month on my first squad, I needed a change of pace. Having recently purchased and airbrush, I thought I’d try my hand at pa...
Read MoreGallery: Iron Warriors Rhino
I wanted to share the inspiration for my legionaries. You see, it came from a single place. A single person. His name is Nathan and his blog is called...
Read MoreRambling: The inspiration for my Legonaries
This is the first complete squad I’ve ever painted. I used all the advanced techniques that I developed throughout my how I learned to paint adv...
Read MoreGallery: My first Iron Warrior Legionaries
I was never into 40K because I couldn’t play a Legion. If HH models and rules were never made, I’d never have returned. I write this with ...
Read MoreRambling: 30K is why I got into Warhammer
Previously on PowerFisted, after painting my 8th test model, I felt further away from my goal than ever before. My metals were sloppy, I still wasn...
Read MoreRambling: How I learned to paint, Pt 2
How many tries does it take to get your painting to where you want it to be? For me the number was 12. When it comes to getting better at something, I...
Read MoreRambling: How I learned to paint, Pt 1

I’m a really detail oriented all or nothing kind of guy. Unsurprisingly, when I decided to get back into 40k a number of years ago, I approached...
Read MoreRambling: Choosing a theme? I used color analysis, test images, lots of work
Rooting around in my old boxes I found some of my first conversions. They are mostly terrible, but I think they show how it’s possible to learn ...
Read MoreRambling: Terrible conversions are how I learned to model

In hindsight, I got into the hobby in an ass backwards kind of way. Looking back at where I started, it’s crazy to see how far I’ve come a...
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